Are you finally ready to be free


 “You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all.”~ Maya Angelou

Over the last few days, this has been ruminating in my head.... where do I belong

I said bye to my family , I am not so sure I have a real tribe,  the only thing I am certain of is people are messy, they have their own shit, and their own stories, so do I!

I am an introvert, I am well known but few, know ME, the true Mere! Not that I am some inner psychopath, or that I have some crazy person locked inside that needs to jump out, some wild child. I do have an inner foodie who loves to eat but I fly her flag loud and proud! 🎌#foodislife

I think people should find what they are looking for outside, on the inside, get it from their true self. Many are afraid to get to know themselves, to lean on themselves, to TRUST themselves!  They are afraid to divorce the struggle! 

This quote reminds us that the reason you belong to no place and every place is because you belong to yourself. Once you know you belong to you, and wherever you are you belong because you are the thing, you deeply long to trust, to belong! 

When most people say they feel they belong somewhere, it is usually for reason that,  in that place they felt loved, and accepted, and sincerely, deeply known, there was a level of intimacy.  I dare to ask, do you ever feel that with yourself, without anyone or anything else, outside of yourself? You see true belonging is internal,  we don't truly find it in people, places, society, culture, communities, we find it best in ourselves.

When we look for it in other things, people other than ourselves, we are bound to at some point,   find it ends, in gut-wrenching pain, and you find yourself again looking outside for what you truly need to cultivate inside!  

When you find it inside, within, you no longer need to feel you belong to a certain country, community,  family,  race,  culture, way of thought, association, or anything outside of yourself, to be at peace, find joy.

In the end, you realize you are all you can truly 100% depend on, you, yourself, your inner self, where you always belong no matter what!
"she always had a place, with herself, she just forgot"   


  1. I love this! To me, belonging is being seen and heard by someone I love. And, yes, that can be anywhere in the world. I'm still working on trusting my inner compass, it's hard. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Trusting yourself is a journey, but an imporant one! Thanks for reading! ♥

  2. From SH beautiful blog and Insightful! πŸ₯°


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